Thursday 17 October 2013

What is Blood Pressure and what causes it. How do I prevent high blood pressure?

To visit my aunty in the Red hills of Jamaica, I took a bus that would some time burst the radiator cap. For one the bus was overloaded. The second pressure was that long hill the bus had to climb. Yes, the bus was old, however I took other old bus, and it did not over heat.

A good radiator regulates the temperature of the bus engine. While your blood regulates your body’s pressure, that way you do not over heat.

When your body’s blood is unable to pump from the heart to the organs and back again. You will get sick. In doing so the red cells protects the body from harmful viruses.

To be fearful of something should be health for you. It protects you from harms. However, some people are now using the natural fear incorrectly. They use fear to worry about bills and the none-essential things to life. 

When you worry intensively, your heart will pump your blood faster too long for weeks into months and years for some people. When your immune systems cannot regulate the body, those human habits will develop high blood pressure.

Hate is an easy word to say. It is so easy to hate as well. You can even hate yourself! To hate carries a burden on your heart, the excuse it does not matter. Your heart starts to grew heavy and hard over time. That pressures the heart.

In the early century, the Romans would remove the organs and heart from a dead person before they mummify it. To determine the person was living good or bad. They would weigh the heart. If it was heavy, the person was bad. If the weigh was normal, the person related, lived, loved, and was happy in life.

Do you enjoy the emotions of hating? To hate is bad for your blood pressure! If so, those emotional behaviors will diffidently, develop high blood pressure.

There are so many important facts that involves to regulation the human body's pressure and temperature. I will only talk about how food affects the human’s body, and how your eating habits can cause high blood pressure. The other factors about high blood pressure are equal as important as food.

High Blood Pressure Wellness and Prevention continues.

How do food causes high blood pressure? I grew up thinking if you use too much salt. That will cause your pressure to go up. No one can eat more salt than the body will allow him or her to do at any one time. Moreover, there is salt in processed food than you can taste. Eating salt does not cause high blood pressure. Your body needs sodium to balance the pH in our blood.

When you eat foods that are not natural and do not have enzymes, foods that are spoiled, and that are not fresh are bad nutrition for your body? When you eat that way, the stomach and the immune system works over time just got the nutrients. In most cases, there are no nutrients in processed food. Foods like those that are not real food. The body really do not like it when you eat foods that are not real. 

In doing so, your body pressures you to do the right thing for yourself. To have high blood pressure does not mean you will die. However, in having high blood pressure your body forces you to eat and have the right behaviors, in order to stay alive. Then you will do the right thing.

Number one, your body is an entity of life. That means you need all the elements of living to live. This awareness is important to all aspect of your life to survive. You will live long and you will have prosperity. First, you must be responsible for your own life, then with others. All of this and more is essential to all of life. You, animals, plants, raw food, fresh fruits, all are important enzymes to sustain life.

Written by MiQuel Marvin Samuels

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